International web video project:
same story - different actresses/actors from different countries
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Italy, Denmark, France,
Macedonia, United Kingdom, Canada, Indonesia, Germany, Spain, ...
(add your country)
Watch the stories:
Slovenian story
Slovenian story with English subtitles
Italian story
Italian story with English subtitles
Danish story
French story
Macedonian story
UK story
Canadian story
Indonesian story
German story
Spanish story
Evin Hadžialjevič made solo dance performance based on A Very Simple Story and won Opus 1 award!
Macedonian version was chosen as part of the off-competition program at the KOTA2023 film festival!
A Very Simple Story has been nominated for Prix Europa 2008!
Slovenian story has been selected for Slovenian
film festival
High school kids from Rogaska Slatina have made
their version!
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(c) Miha Mazzini, 2008